The Banc d’Arguin National Park is located on the West Coast
of Mauritania, it was established in 1978 and then designated by UNESCO in
1989, under criteria (ix) and (x):
(ix) to be outstanding examples representing significant on-going
ecological and biological processes in the evolution and development of
terrestrial, fresh water, coastal and marine ecosystems and communities of
plants and animals;
(x) to contain the most important and significant natural
habitats for in-situ conservation of biological diversity, including those
containing threatened species of outstanding universal value from the point of
view of science or conservation.
The UNESCO World Heritage Site says in their “brief
The Banc d'Arguin is one of the most important zones in the
world for nesting birds and Palearctic migratory waders. Located along the
Atlantic coast, this Park is formed of sand dunes, areas of coastal swamps,
small islands and shallow coastal waters. The austerity of the desert and
the biodiversity of the marine area results in a land and seascape of
exceptional contrasting natural value.
Criterion (ix): Banc d'Arguin National Park is an
ecosystem rich in biodiversity of nutrients and organic matter due to the vast
expanse of marshes covered with seagrass beds, and an important windblown
sediment addition from the continent and the result of the permanent upwelling
of the Cap Blanc. This wealth ensures the maintenance of a marine and
coastal environment sufficiently rich and diverse to support important
communities of fish, birds and marine mammals.
Criterion (x): Banc d'Arguin National Park
comprises the most important habitat of the Western Atlantic for nesting birds
of west Africa and the Palearctic migratory waders. The vast expanses of
marshes provide shelter to more than two million limicolous migrant birds from
northern Europe, Siberia and Greenland. The nesting bird population is
also remarkable in terms of diversity and number: between 25,000 and 40,000
pairs belonging to 15 bird species. The shallows and island area is also the
centre of intense biological activity: there are 45 fish species, 11 species of
shellfish and several species of mollusks. The property also contains several
species of marine turtles, notably the green seaturtle (Chelonia mydas) on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Among the mammals, there are still some remnant populations of Dorcas gazelle (Gazella dorcas). The bottlenose dolphin and the Atlantic
hump-backed dolphin are frequently sighted in the property.
The rectilinear boundaries of the property suggest that they
were not based on ecological parameters, but more likely correspond to
administrative requirements. The eastern limit extends inwards to a desert
zone, in places up to 50 metres, and constitutes a wide band where activities
incompatible with the conservation of the property may be conducted. Certain
revisions to the southern limit, to exclude the village of Cape Timiris and the
military base, would not detract from the value of the property and could
eventually be envisaged. The marine boundary forms, also, a straight line and
crosses the shallows of the property through the centre. It would be
particularly justifiable that the whole shallows zone be included in the
property. The satellite reserve of 200ha located at Cap Blanc constitutes the
habitat for a monk seal colony and presents issues as regards its integrity.
First, the reserve boundaries encompass the habitat of the 100 monk seals found
in the region, the remainder using the area to the north known as the Côte des
Phoques. This means that the condition of integrity that requires sufficient
area to ensure continuity for the species is not satisfied. Second, the
extension of the Cap Blanc Reserve to encompass the key breeding and nursery
area at Côte des Phoques, is not possible as the international boundary in this
area of the Western Sahara remains to be determined. For this reason, the World
Heritage Committee decided to inscribe the property and exclude the Cap Blanc
Reserve, the inscription of which can only be envisaged after the resolution of
the issue of boundary limits and when the part of the Côte des Phoques could be
included. The main threat to the property are projects likely to alter
the traditional activities of local fishing. The introduction of new
technologies and an increased catch could affect and seriously disturb the fish
life of the region.
Camping in the park - Photo courtesy of |
Protection and management requirements
Protection of the property is regulated by the statute for
protected reserves. The property has a management plan. The main threats to the
property are most linked to unregulated development of maritime activities and
coastal infrastructures. Fishing activities have considerably increased and the
material and methods of fishing have changed as have the species targeted.
Consequently, protection of the marine resources against over-exploitation is
essential. To mitigate the problem, the implementation of a surveillance
programme on the risks to marine resources, including illegal commercial
fishing. The risk of pollution by hydrocarbons on the international maritime
route of western Africa and from the petroleum industries is also considerable.
Urgent planning to cope with the eventuality of an oil spill, is required for
the property and its surrounds. Another important issue in the management
of the property is the prevention of poaching and logging causing the
degradation of the terrestrial part of the property. As for the maritime part
of the property, a full terrestrial surveillance programme is required.
The possible impacts of climate change must also be studied.
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