On my Literature blog http://messybooker.blogspot.com.au/
I set up a new challenge related specifically to reading novels from countries
that have a UNESCO World Heritage Listed natural site. In all there are 193
countries that have a natural site of “outstanding universal value”. For 2014 I
have chosen a random 12 to be visited via their writing.
First up is the Country of Mauritania, a West African Nation
that has a strong oral history of fables, poetry and writing, but unfortunately
a country that has a very very poor representation of works translated into English.
Wikipedia tells me the following celebrated writers:
- Ahmad ibn al-Amin al-Shinqiti (1872–1913), Arabic-language writer.
- Amadou Oumar Bâ (1917– ), poet.[Gikandi]
- Ibn Razqa (died 1144 AH/1731 AD), poet and scholar.
- Moussa Diagana (1946– ), French-language writer.
- Moussa Ould Ebnou, French-language novelist.
- Mohammed al-Shankiti (1907–1973), Islamic scholar.
- Abderrahmane Sissako (1961– ), filmmaker
Further research shows none of their works being translated
into English excluding a handful of Amadou Oumar Ba’s poems via the Penguin
Book of Modern African Poetry.
As a result of visiting “A Year of Reading the World” I came across “Angels of Mauritania and the Curse of the Language” and a free download at that. This will be my first book reviewed here. I will also attempt to find copies of Amadou Oumar Ba’s poetry and if successful will post a review here too.
I would be extremely grateful if somebody could locate
further Mauritanian works in English, I now feel like a dog with a bone, I
won’t let go until I have a decent representation of Mauritanian works to
This blog is open to all and sundry to read a book (or
books) from the mentioned Nations and post their thoughts. Please feel free to
join me in exploring these Nations through their writing.
I will also post information about the World Heritage listed
sites in the Nation that is featured each month so I’ll be back with a few
details about Banc d’Arguin National park in Mauritania soon.